Why we love at home workouts in winter

As the days are short and cold, it can be a bit harder to find the motivation and time for daily movement. Although it is tempting to skip a workout, you KNOW with 100% certainty that you will feel better after.
Best is to make daily movement a part of your lifestyle, adapt your mindset and make your 30 minutes on the mat a part of your routine, like brushing your teeth.
Here are our top reasons why we LOVE at home workouts in winter:
1- We can do these flows from the comfort of our own home, meaning we don’t have to face the cold, we don’t need to be somewhere at a certain time… we can do these workouts whenever, wherever, even on our ski-trip! In order to hold ourselves accountable, it helps to lie out our mat the night before and put something sporty on right away after we get up.
2- We used to believe that we had to sweat in the gym for hours and hours in order to get a “real” workout in. Now we know the importance of working smarter, not harder. Some minutes are better than no minutes, and if you’re being consistent, we believe that less is more. You would be amazed about how much we can achieve in 20 minutes. And there really is no excuse for 20 minutes, no matter how busy your day is, right? The hardest part is just showing up, rolling out of the mat, getting out of the sofa. The workout is the easy part.
3- These Yoga and Pilates combos aren’t just workouts, they are like a moving meditation. We focus on the breathe and we let our minds and bodies coordinate, for the best results. We always feel calm and fresh in our heads after a practice. Next time when you’re on the mat, pay attention to your breath and let each inhale and exhale guide you trough the workout. We sigh a lot while teaching, because it really is a way of letting go tension and stress.
4- Winter cannot be an excuse to not prioritise your health and wellbeing. On the contrary, you will benefit so much from the dose of endorphins released after a daily workout. Excercise is a form of self-love and the consistency will make you feel and look your best, both physically and mentally!
If you are struggling to get motivated or if you need a reset, we have our 20 DAY WORKOUT CHALLENGE, where we share feel-good flows of 20 minutes max. for 20 days! This challenge will still be up for the whole month of January and February 2023, so make sure to sign up, there’s still time! It’s your time to shine and feel amazing!