Favorite Juice Recipe

We, at THE BALANCE CLUB, love a good veggie-fruit juice in the morning. We know celery with lemon and ginger is the hype, but we like to add some apples for the sweetness and carrots for the many vitamins.
A little word about juicing… we feel that drinking the fruits and veggies isn’t better than just eating them, but for us, it is a great way to get in a ton of vitamins, anti-oxidants and minerals, and it just tastes so gooood!!
Here’s our mix, good for 4 smaller portions. If you want bigger portions, just add more of the veggies/fruits of your choice:
2 peeled oranges
1 peeled lemon
1 peeled lime
½ cucumber
a 5 cm piece of ginger
2 apples
5 large celery sticks
3 large carrots
Now wash and put in the blender! We always start with the soft fruits/veggies and we end with the carrots, to leave less residue in the juicer!
Enjoy pretty ladies!